

Por la presente os informamos que una entidad POLACA está buscando  jóvenes entre 18 y 30 años para hacer un Servicio Voluntario Europeo (SVE) en Dabrowa Bialostocka  por un periodo de 10 meses, con incorporación inmediata.
El SVE es una acción del programa ERASMUS+ que cubre una buena parte de los gastos de Desplazamiento (según distancia en Km) , y el 100% del alojamiento, comida, formación lingüística, transporte local…
Los interesados deben enviar su carta de motivación y curriculum (en inglés) 16 de febrero, al correo a los correos de contacto; anawoj.evs@gmail.com

Si quieres saber más de esta y otras acciones del programa Erasmus Plus puedes escribirnos a info@intercambia.org
We are looking for EVS volunteer for High School in Poland (Dabrowa Bialostocka) with Sport and animation skills
start: immediately!
Application deadline: 16/02/16
Tasks for volunteer:
– organizing Sport activities for students (competitions, trainings, events ect)
– supporting handball activities
– animation in the school (during school breaks, making events, workshops, shool newspaper)
– creating language clubs
– collaboration with cultural centre conected to interests and possibilites of volunteer: supporting informatic lessons for seniors, plastic, music, craft, theatre
– collaboration with local kindergarten
– polish lessons
– organising own project
Profile of the volunteer:
– someone with sport interests
– someone with strong motivation and willingness to improve animation skills
– someone ready to work with diferent target groups (kids, youth and seniors)
– own initiative is welcome
– someone who is ready to live in a small, local community (in Dabrowa lives around 6000 people)
website of the school: http://liceum-dabrowa.pl/
Please, send your CV and application letter to: anawoj.evs@gmail.com till 16/02/16